Category: Fresh Hope for Mental Health

How To Find A Good Christian Mental Health Counselor

“Many people have a difficult time in finding an effective mental health counselor. Just like everything in life, you have your good counselors and you have your not so great counselors. The key is to find one that will help you solve your current mental health problems. If you do not know what you are looking for or where to start, then here are a few ideas in how to…”

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Fresh Hope para la Salud Mental

The Importance Of Getting Help For Your Fears And Anxieties

Here are a few reasons on why getting help for your mental health is important…

1.Getting professional help can lead to additional insights and suggestions to your stress and anxiety problems. A professional counselor can give you many ideas on how you can manage your fears and anxieties. This is important in getting better.

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Bipolar & Creating Mini Habits For Positive Change

It only makes sense that our brains have default settings. Those are the settings that our brains default to when we are stressed or things we can do with little to no thought. For example, my default setting for when to eat is when I’m sad, happy, tired, stressed, or when I’m awake! This eating default setting has been a well-worn patterned default in my brain for many years. Unfortunately, unlike being able to go into your computer default settings, make a change and click “save,” we cannot do that with our brains. Instead, if we want to make changes to our default settings, we must make them bit by bit, by starting a mini habit that we can do without one ounce of motivation on our part; a simple thing that can be done by sheer self-willpower.

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The Internet and Social Media:  Friend or Foe? By: Jamie Meyer

I did it again.  Checked my email and Facebook notifications before my morning coffee has even finished brewing.  Before I know it I’m on my Facebook feed to see who has posted since I last checked. Next thing I know, two hours have passed and I haven’t moved from my comfy chair.  As a person who lives with mental health challenges I have to ask myself: Is this a good thing or bad? The answer I’ve arrived at after much contemplation is this: It all depends on what I use social media and the Internet for, how often, and if I’m able to control my use of it.  

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6 things I found in the Fresh Hope Support Group By: Samanta Karraa

When I started attending a Fresh Hope group I found-

People who had a mental health diagnosis, who were living a full and rich life in spite of their diagnosis. They were working, taking care of their families, getting married, getting a master’s degree, serving at their churches and starting new projects in spite of having a mental health challenge. I cannot describe to you how loudly this spoke to me.

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Fresh Hope para la Salud Mental

The Worst Advice You Could Ever Get About Mental Illness By: Katie Dale

So trial and error leads the way these days. Advanced as our first-world society is today, our technology and pharmacology has not yet broken through to the next level of brain science. As having been diagnosed bipolar disorder for the last 15 years, my medication has been a journey to find stability. I can pretty much guarantee you that compared to my bipolar disorder, the medication has been a Godsend.

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Webinar "Cómo pueden las iglesias facilitar el acceso a la atención de salud mental"

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Webinar "Lo que desearía que mi pastor supiera sobre salud mental"

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Esperanza para los desesperados

Por cada 32 centavos donados, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante una semana a una persona con un desafío de salud mental.

Por cada $16.64 donados anualmente, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante un año a una persona.

Cualquier cantidad que puedas donar ayudará a llevar esperanza a quienes la necesitan desesperadamente.

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