No hay necesidad de "atravesarlo" solos.

Habla con un Hope Coach

Hope Coaching es un ministerio gratuito que ofrece Fresh Hope. Haz clic aquí y elige una hora que te convenga para hablar y un Hope Coach se pondrá en contacto contigo dentro de 24 horas.

Hope Coach

Sustantivo: \ hōp \ \ kōch \
Una persona/par que está capacitada y certificada para:

  1. ser un oyente excepcional
  2. ayudar a otros a procesar el dolor de lo que están atravesando
  3. transmitir una esperanza basada en la fe a la situación de una forma basada en investigaciones fundamentadas en la evidencia

A Hope Coach comes as a peer alongside someone who is going through a difficult situation, a crisis, or one of the many messes of life. The Hope Coach walks with them, listening empathetically, helping them process their pain, fears and frustrations, and speaking hope into their situation without it becoming toxic positivity, but rather a faith-filled hope based on Romans 8:28.

There's no need
to "go-it" alone.

Hope Coach

Noun: \ ‘hop \ \ ‘koch
Una persona/par que está capacitada y certificada para:

  1. ser un oyente excepcional
  2. ayudar a otros a procesar el dolor de lo que están atravesando
  3. speak faith-based hope into the situation in a way that is based upon evidence based research

Hope Coaching

Hope Coaching is a free faith-based Christian program offered by Fresh Hope for Mental Health.

Please note that you don’t need to have a mental health challenge or diagnosis to request a Hope Coach, nor do you need to be a person of faith to connect with one, as they are not here to evangelize, but to clear the way for hope, so that people can begin to see a way forward.


Please fill out this form so we can provide you with more details on how to start a Hope Coach Ministry.

Best time to contact


Webinar "How Churches Can Facilitate Access to Mental Health Care"

Register Here to Watch Free!

Webinar "What I Wish My Pastor Knew About Mental Health"

Register Here to Watch Free!

Take the First Step in Starting Your Own
Fresh Hope Support Group

Enter your information and we will contact you about becoming a Hope Coach

Best time to contact

What Your Gift Can Do for
Offering Hope to the Hopeless

Por cada 32 centavos donados, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante una semana a una persona con un desafío de salud mental.

Por cada $16.64 donados anualmente, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante un año a una persona.

Any amount you are able to give will help bring hope to those who desperately need it.

¿Qué tipo de donación te gustaría hacer?

Enter your information to speak with a Hope Coach

Best time to contact

Thank you for taking the next step
towards hope.

We want to make sure that we send you information that will best serve your needs, so please take a few moments to fill in the information below.

(Please note that your privacy is our utmost concern. Fresh Hope will never sell your data and your information is kept strictly confidential)



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