Your Story Isn’t Over…

This is a lyric from one of my favorite songs by Danny Gokee. The song is titled “Tell your heart to beat again”. The whole lyric says your story is far from over and your journey has just begun. I have to remind myself of these words when I am feeling suicidal. They are God’s words reminding us that our lives aren’t over and we still have many chapters to write in this book of our lives. Every time I want to give up and just end it all, I have to think “Jesus made it through all he went through for us before his life was taken”, if he made it through, so can I”. Also, I think of all my loved ones. My brother needs me. My friends love me and would be devestated if something happened to me. You have to think of the one thing in your life that will keep you breathing. Without it, you might make the biggest mistake of your life and end your life. We honestly don’t know where we go if we kill ourselves. We hope that we would go to heaven, but what always stops me is that I really don’t know. So, tell your heart to beat again and keep holding on to hope for as long as it takes.

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