Your Mental Health Is More Important Than Becoming Rich And Famous

By: Stanley Popovich

Some celebrities and successful people occasionally pick money and fame over their mental health issues. This can be a fatal mistake in the long run. Money and fame will not help solve your mental health issues.

Here are 7 things to consider regarding your mental health and the pursuit of money and fame.

1. People can’t control their own fame: A person must understand that fame comes and goes and that a person has no control over his or her popularity. Fame is elusive and can’t be controlled. Your mental health issues will remain with you for your entire life.

2. You will be miserable: You can’t enjoy your successes if your mental health issues are overwhelming you. Learning how to manage your mental health issues is the best thing you can do for yourself in the long run.

3. You will have to deal with the consequences: Only you will experience the consequences when your fears and anxieties get the best of you. Money and fame will not take away your fears and anxieties regardless what anyone says. Don’t make the mistake of assuming otherwise.

4. Fear won’t rule your life: You will be in control of your life instead of your anxieties, addictions, and fears. Always being anxious and fearful is no way to live your life. Make the effort to do what you can to manage your mental health issues. You will be better off in the long run.

5. Always remember your values: Your values will be with you for your entire life while your fame lasts for a short time. Do what is right and follow your heart. Don’t give in to peer pressure. When the cameras disappear, it will be just you, your family, and closest friends.

6. You will enjoy your relationships: Managing your mental health issues will help you to manage and enjoy your business and personal relationships. In addition, you will be able to make better decisions regarding your relationships and other aspects of your life.

7. Learn from the mistakes of others: There are many successful people who made the mistake of sacrificing their mental health for money and fame. As a result, their entire life was ruined and some of them even committed suicide. Don’t make the same mistake. If you are not sure of what to do in handling your fame, then talk to a professional who can give you some advice.


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