Fresh Hope has new contact information!

Fresh Hope has an updated contact and location, and we want to make sure to keep you in the loop!

We have moved our office location and we now have a new mailing address and telephone number. To reach us, please contact us here:

1-888-815-HOPE (815-4673)

  • To speak to reception or leave a voicemail, you would press “0”
  • To speak to Nicole or leave a message for Pastor Brad, press ext. 700
  • To speak to Susan, press ext. 702
  • To speak to Donna about Trauma Healing, press ext. 704

Our new mailing address is:

Fresh Hope
5421 N. 103rd Street, Ste. 100
Omaha, NE  68134

Thank you so much for your support!

Fresh Hope es una organización sin fines de lucro basada en la fe que permite a las personas vivir bien a pesar de su desafío de salud mental.

TU regalo proporcionará a una persona Nueva Esperanza de Dios para la vida diaria. Haz clic aquí para donar, hoy.




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Take the First Step in Starting Your Own
Fresh Hope Support Group

Please fill out this form so we can provide you with more details on how to start a Hope Coach Ministry.

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Enter your information and we will contact you about becoming a Hope Coach

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What Your Gift Can Do for
Offering Hope to the Hopeless

Por cada 32 centavos donados, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante una semana a una persona con un desafío de salud mental.

Por cada $16.64 donados anualmente, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante un año a una persona.

Any amount you are able to give will help bring hope to those who desperately need it.

¿Qué tipo de donación te gustaría hacer?

Enter your information to speak with a Hope Coach

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Thank you for taking the next step
towards hope.

We want to make sure that we send you information that will best serve your needs, so please take a few moments to fill in the information below.

(Please note that your privacy is our utmost concern. Fresh Hope will never sell your data and your information is kept strictly confidential)



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