New Webinar: “How Churches Can Facilitate Access to Mental Health Care”

Fresh Hope for Mental Health is sponsoring another FREE Webinar entitled: “How Churches Can Facilitate Access to Mental Health Care”  at 11 a.m. Central Time Zone on Thursday, May 17th.


Amy Simpson will be the host for the webinar.  She will be interviewing a panel made up of three Christian mental health professionals as they discuss how churches can facilitate access to mental health care.  

The panel includes:


Dr. Matthew Stanford is the chief executive officer of Hope and Healing Center in Houston; neuropsychiatrist; co-founder of Mental Health Grace Alliance; frequent speaker; author of Grace for the Afflicted (

Steve G.


Dr. Stephen Grcevich is child psychiatrist in Chagrin Falls, Ohio; founder and president of Key Ministry; author of Mental Health and the Church (



Kristen Kansiewicz who is a therapist on a church staff in Lynn, Massachusetts; writer; founder of Church Therapy (


Host Amy Simpson, Amy is the Author of, Blessed Are the Unsatisfied: Finding Spiritual Freedom in an Imperfect World  

Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission

Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry  Amy is also a Leadership coach (CPCC)


Webinar 3


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