We understand.
When life is interrupted by a mental health challenge it is hard to see a way forward. We’ve been there.
And hopelessness begins to set in.
But, there is hope.
We’ll help you find hope even in the midst of the hopelessness caused by your mental health challenge.
Begin to live a hope-filled life in spite of your mental health challenge
We help and challenge one another along with our loved ones to live a hope-filled life through local and online Fresh Hope groups, hope coaching, and learning community. It’s all based upon proven faith-centered mental health recovery principles and 25 years of clinical research.
“I have always suffered from depression. Then four years ago I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I felt so alone for so long and then found fresh hope. It has given me a safe place I can share with others my struggles and successes. I now don’t feel along and can always count on fresh hope being there for me.”