We will help you establish a hope-filled mental health ministry.
The statistics in America are staggering.
1 out of 5 suffers from a mental health challenge
1.4 million attempted suicides annually
48,344 died by suicide annually
While the doctor, therapist and medicine are necessary, they are not enough. The suicide rates continue to climb. Suicide is 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. and the 2nd leading cause for those ages 14 to 24.
There is a serious gap between someone receiving the medical treatment for a mental illness and them learning how to live well in spite of it. This gap is critical. And your church has the hope they need.
What can you do?
Your church, along with Fresh Hope, can bridge the gap between hopelessness and hope, that is rooted in faith, based upon clinical research.
Fresh Hope Today:
A Special Edition for Pastors and Church Leaders
Fresh Hope Series of Four Sermons by Pastor Larry Cornelius
Where Does Hope Begin?
Message #1 from Series “fresh Hope” on Mental Health
Spiritual Steps for Better Health
Message #2 from Series “fresh Hope” on Mental Health
Your History Does Not Determine Your Destiny
Message #3 from Series “fresh Hope” on Mental Health
Keys to Living Well
Message #4 from Series “fresh Hope” on Mental Health
Sermon Series: Mental Health
Free Downloadable Sermon Series For Pastors To Use
Sermon 3:
Depression and the Brain
Psalm 22:2 and 42:11;
Jeremiah 20:1-11;
2 Corinthians 4:7; Psalm 51
Bible Study Resource
Troubled Minds: Responding to Mental Illness
The Mental Health and Faith Community Partnership is a collaboration between psychiatrists and clergy aimed at fostering a dialogue between two fields, reducing stigma, and accounting for medical and spiritual dimensions as people seek care.