Fresh Hope Today: A Special Edition for Pastors and Church Leaders
This special edition of Fresh Hope Today is for Christian pastors and church leaders. This edition focuses on the Christian Church and Mental Illness (Mental Health).
In this edition Pastor Brad Hoefs, founder of Fresh Hope, interviews author, Amy Simpson. Amy wrote the award winning book Troubled Minds.
This podcast is focuses on educating Christian church leaders about the mental health crisis and what each congregation might consider doing in order to help those effected by the crisis within there church and communities.
In this edition, Amy lays-out of the history of the Christian Church and its’ relationship with the mental health movement in America.
Specific ideas are laid out for what pastors and church leaders can do within their congregation to address this ever-pressing issue in our society today. Plus, creative approaches to ministering to those who suffer from a mental health challenge and to the loved ones of those who suffers are given.
This is a must listen to for every pastor in America!
This podcast is a production of Fresh Hope Ministries