Please plan on joining us for our Celebration of Hope event on 5 de septiembre! People can join us either in person at the Relevant Center in Elkhorn, NE, or you can join us virtually from your computer.

We are excited to announce we will have Grammy-winning singing/songwriter, best-selling author, speaker and actress Rebecca St. James as our special guest!

The recently released movie, “Unsung Hero”, is based on her family’s amazing journey.

"Celebration of Hope is an uplifting event for those experiencing Mental Health struggles and their families.
Its purpose is to celebrate Mental Health and to share strategies for living well with a Mental Health Diagnosis."

Tickets are only $35 and with your attendance you will be supporting us in sharing hope.

You can buy your tickets now by going to Use the promo code “EarlyBird” to get $10 off your ticket if you purchase by July 15th. 

Registration and the VIP Reception will begin at 6PM and the show begins at 7PM.

For more information, please contact Susan at

Fresh Hope for Mental Health is pleased to have REBECCA ST. JAMES join us to spread hope, joy and inspiration at our Celebration of Hope 2024!

Save the date and come celebrate with us on Thursday, September 5th, 2024 at the Relevant Center in Elkhorn, NE.


Fresh Hope for Mental Health is thrilled to have SANDI PATTY and ANITA RENFROE join us to spread hope, joy and inspiration.

The evening will include music, laughs, encouraging testimonies, and more — You won’t want to miss it!

Come celebrate with us on Thursday, September 21st at El Centro pertinente. Tickets are only $35 and with your attendance you will be supporting us in sharing hope.

21220 Elkhorn Drive,
Elkhorn, NE 68022

For more information, please contact Susan at

Delicious food and drinks will be available on the day of the event:

Special thanks to our Sponsors:



Webinar "Cómo pueden las iglesias facilitar el acceso a la atención de salud mental"

Regístrese aquí para ver gratis

Webinar "Lo que desearía que mi pastor supiera sobre salud mental"

Regístrese aquí para ver gratis

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Grupo de apoyo Fresh Hope

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Esperanza para los desesperados

Por cada 32 centavos donados, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante una semana a una persona con un desafío de salud mental.

Por cada $16.64 donados anualmente, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante un año a una persona.

Cualquier cantidad que puedas donar ayudará a llevar esperanza a quienes la necesitan desesperadamente.

¿Qué tipo de donación te gustaría hacer?

Introduce tus datos para hablar con un Hope Coach

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Gracias por dar el siguiente paso
hacia la esperanza.

Queremos asegurarnos de que le enviamos la información que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades, así que tómese unos minutos para rellenar los datos que figuran a continuación.

(Tenga en cuenta que su privacidad es nuestra mayor preocupación. Fresh Hope nunca venderá sus datos y su información se mantendrá estrictamente confidencial).



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