Mental Health Insights From a Psychiatrist Who Is Also a Theologian: Dr. Warren Kinghorn
You won’t want to miss this is an excellent podcast! Pastor Brad interviews Dr. Warren Kinghorn, who is both a psychiatrist and a theologian. He presents a unique perspective on mental health, both as a Christian and as a professional in psychiatry.
Dr. Kinghorn also addresses how we can help people in the church with a mental health diagnosis, both for pastors and laypersons. He shares a lot of insights for pastors regarding their own mental health.
Dr. Kinghorn is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pastoral and Moral Theology, Duke University Medical Center and Duke Divinity School, Staff Psychiatrist, Durham VA Medical Center.
Dr. Kinghorn is a psychiatrist whose work centers on the role of religious communities in caring for persons with mental health problems and on ways in which Christian communities engage practices of modern health care. Jointly appointed within Duke Divinity School and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences of Duke University Medical Center, he is a staff psychiatrist at the Durham VA Medical Center and core teaching faculty member of the Duke Psychiatry Residency Program.
Within the Divinity School, he works closely with students and faculty members interested in exploring the ways in which theology and philosophy might constructively inform Christian engagement with modern medicine and psychiatry. His current scholarly interests include the moral and theological dimensions of combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder, the applicability of virtue theory to the vocational formation of clinicians and clergy, and the contributions of the theology and philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas to contemporary debates about psychiatric diagnosis, psychiatric technology, and human flourishing.
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Pastor Brad Hoefs, the host of Fresh Hope for Mental Health, is the founder of Fresh Hope Ministries, a network of Christian mental health support groups for those who have a diagnosis and their loved ones. In other words, Fresh Hope is a Christian mental health support group.
Brad was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1995. He is a weekly blogger for (Bipolar Magazine). He is also a certified peer specialist and has been doing pastoral counseling since 1985. Brad is also the author of Fresh Hope: Living Well in Spite of a Mental Health Diagnosis, which is available on Amazon or at
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Fresh Hope for Mental Health is a production of Fresh Hope Ministries.
Fresh Hope Ministries is a non-profit ministry.
The copyrights of this program belong to Fresh Hope Ministries and may not be duplicated without written permission.
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