About tangelia terrell

Tangelia Terrell is an accomplished, certified educator and trainer with a wealth of experience. Her dedication extends beyond the classroom, as she is also a certified Mental Health First Aid trainer, equipping the community with the knowledge to recognize signs of mental illness and substance use disorders.

Known by her moniker “Docta WorthIt,” Tangelia Terrell is not only an educator but also a published author, sharing her expertise with others. With a remarkable 25-year teaching career spanning various educational levels and roles, she stands as a mentor to aspiring educators and young women alike.

Tangelia’s talents as an author and compelling keynote speaker have propelled her across the nation. Her primary focus on mental health advocacy underscores her mission to combat stigma within our communities. She endeavors to enlighten people about the profound impact of mental health issues and the necessity of open dialogue.

Tangelia Terrell earned her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Alabama State University and later pursued a Master’s degree in Curriculum & Instruction, specializing in Adult Education, at the University of Phoenix. Continuing her academic journey, she completed her Education Specialist’s degree in Educational Leadership from Capella University.

As a devout woman of faith, Tangelia navigates her own journey with mental illness, while also guiding her child through the complexities of the same challenge. This firsthand experience underscores her conviction in the importance of communities of color embracing both spirituality and therapy. She deeply comprehends the ripple effects of mental health issues within families and their profound impact on a child’s education.

Tangelia Terrell passionately advocates for mental health awareness by conducting research, disseminating valuable information, and studying the multifaceted effects of mental illness on the lives of adults and children alike. Her tireless efforts are a beacon of hope, fostering understanding and support for those facing mental health challenges within our diverse communities.

Topic Covered by tangelia

Trauma Doesn't Have to Win!

  • Participants will understand traumatic grief and its triggers.
  • Participants will understand childhood traumatic grief and how it may manifest itself in adulthood.
  • Participants will learn about traumatic grief and understand the need for therapy with a trauma informed therapist.


$ 0
  • Acceso de un día al evento completo en línea
  • Participa con otros participantes en el grupo de Facebook del evento
  • Descarga los folletos y los recursos de los presentadores


$ 49
  • Un año de acceso al evento en línea para tu equipo
  • Participa con otros participantes en el grupo de Facebook del evento
  • Descarga los folletos y los recursos de los presentadores


Webinar "Cómo pueden las iglesias facilitar el acceso a la atención de salud mental"

Regístrese aquí para ver gratis

Webinar "Lo que desearía que mi pastor supiera sobre salud mental"

Regístrese aquí para ver gratis

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Esperanza para los desesperados

Por cada 32 centavos donados, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante una semana a una persona con un desafío de salud mental.

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