Category: Hope

Real Hope Has Gotten Me Through My Hopelessness

Probably one of the most peculiar things about hope and hopelessness is that they can co-exist in life. When I reflect on the greatest difficulties and deepest depression that caused extreme despair in my life, it was hope that got me through the hopelessness. But it was not the “wishful-thinking” kind of hope that life would get better that got me through the hopelessness.  That kind of “hope” is nothing more than wishful thinking that things may or may not get better.  And that kind of hope was not enough for me.  Hoping that things might get better could not even bring about the smallest of cracks within my despair.

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30 Things You Can Do When Someone You Love is Clinically Depressed

When you love someone that is experiencing deep depression it can be exhausting and frustrating.  You want to encourage your loved one but don’t want to push them too much. Encouraging them to “push through” but knowing when not to do so is a delicate balance.  You might even find yourself feeling the depression emotionally.  No doubt caring for someone who is in the depths of depression can feel as though life is being sucked out of you.  You can end up having no idea as to how to help or encourage your loved one.

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We Are Not All the Same: How Bipolar Disorder Varies from Person to Person

When you and I connect with one another, we empower each other to live well in spite of any possible daily battles with our disorder.  Individually, no one of us has all the answers.  But, together we have solutions for one another. Corporately we have answers for one another as we encourage each other and share what “works” for us as individuals in living well in spite of our bipolar disorder.

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We Are Not All the Same: How Bipolar Disorder Varies from Person to Person

When you and I connect with one another, we empower each other to live well in spite of any possible daily battles with our disorder.  Individually, no one of us has all the answers.  But, together we have solutions for one another. Corporately we have answers for one another as we encourage each other and share what “works” for us as individuals in living well in spite of our bipolar disorder.

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Fresh Hope Ministry Update

There’s a lot of things happening within Fresh Hope’s International Ministry! So, we thought in this blog post we would give you an update of all that is happening!

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How to Support Our Children with Depression

After an initial diagnosis of depression, the best thing you can do is become informed, for you and your child. Jumo Health, a digital health resource for families, offers a depression discussion guide which provides questions to help foster conversation with a doctor after a diagnosis.

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Fresh Hope para la Salud Mental

How I Dealt With People With People Who Didn’t Understand My Mental Health Issues

I also realized that my goal was to overcome my fearful situations and not to please my friends. I realized that I wasn’t going to waste my time arguing with my friends who were giving me a difficult time. I realized that this was not a public relations event where I needed to get everyone’s approval. This was my life and my focus was to find the ways to manage my fears.

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How to Support Our Children with Depression

After an initial diagnosis of depression, the best thing you can do is become informed, for you and your child. Jumo Health, a digital health resource for families, offers a depression discussion guide which provides questions to help foster conversation with a doctor after a diagnosis.

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Webinar "Cómo pueden las iglesias facilitar el acceso a la atención de salud mental"

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Webinar "Lo que desearía que mi pastor supiera sobre salud mental"

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Esperanza para los desesperados

Por cada 32 centavos donados, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante una semana a una persona con un desafío de salud mental.

Por cada $16.64 donados anualmente, podemos ofrecer esperanza durante un año a una persona.

Cualquier cantidad que puedas donar ayudará a llevar esperanza a quienes la necesitan desesperadamente.

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hacia la esperanza.

Queremos asegurarnos de que le enviamos la información que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades, así que tómese unos minutos para rellenar los datos que figuran a continuación.

(Tenga en cuenta que su privacidad es nuestra mayor preocupación. Fresh Hope nunca venderá sus datos y su información se mantendrá estrictamente confidencial).



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