About Rev. Dr. Inoke Veamatahau
- An ordained pastor under the Baptist Union of Victoria.
- Melbourne Australia 20 years in pastoral ministry Doctor of Ministry.
- Fuller Theological Seminary “Pastoral Care Using Online Communication” PhD research student.
- The University of Melbourne (current)
- Faith & Health Collaboration
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Faith-based Community
- Participatory approach to Health
Topic Covered by Rev. Inoke
The Role of Local Church in Mental Health
Understanding the potential role of the local church in mental health.
The talk will cover:
- The pastoral theology of care for mental health
- The faith community participatory approach to mental health.
- The collaboration between the local church and health care providers and how the holistic ministry through the local church is recognized as health care service provider in the public system.
- The pastoral theology of care
- The role of the local church in mental health
- The local church as an asset to the public health system