About Erin Helvering

Erin Helvering [she/her] grew up in the church with her seven siblings in Indiana and is now a proud aunt of eleven nieces and nephews.

Professionally, she has spent the last decade performing and facilitating training classes at Walt Disney World as well as stilt walking, singing and dancing her way across stages at Universal Studios Florida, including in a Harry Potter Jazz Show, while singing in the greater Orlando area with The Vocalitas on the side. She is currently finishing another degree that she hopes will help build a better foundation to pursue writing in order to share her mental health story and history with bipolar disorder.

Wherever Erin’s path leads her next, she wants others to feel less alone in their own struggles and encourage them to find strength within themselves to keep moving forward.

Topic Covered by Erin

Taking Steps Toward the "You" You Want To Be

In this candid and open discussion with Rob Stewart from PBS, Erin invites you into her journey of living with a mental health diagnosis, including powerful stories of personal growth and tips on balancing the brain. Erin wants to help end the stigma around living with bipolar disorder by sharing warning signs for manic episodes, invaluable life experience on fighting back to save yourself after suicidal depression, and intentional activities you can do to help reach a life of balanced joy.

Her story is one of struggle and strength, with a promise that you can cultivate tangible hope.


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  • One-year access to online event for your team
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Webinar "How Churches Can Facilitate Access to Mental Health Care"

Register Here to Watch Free!

Webinar "What I Wish My Pastor Knew About Mental Health"

Register Here to Watch Free!

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