Fresh Hope, an approved 501(C)3, has recently launched a ministry initiative known as “Refocusing Widows”. Sheryl Gehrls, a widow herself with many years of mentoring and leadership development experience, joined Fresh Hope in September 2021, and is directing this ministry. She has been in fulltime pastoral ministry for nearly 50 years and is a certified Gallup Strengths coach. Her years of caring for people, and gathering leadership development tools, as well as experiencing fulltime caregiving when her husband Dave was battling cancer, have combined to give her a unique perspective on grief, loss, and the restoration of hope and purpose.

Refocusing Widows exists to identify and provide resources and coaching, and to establish a peer-to-peer support community for widows, equipping them to live joyful and fulfilling lives in spite of the tragic loss of a spouse. They will have access to all Fresh Hope resources, gain from the group wisdom of other widows, and begin to clarify a personal mission and calling for the new season.

Refocusing Widows (and Sheryl’s support) is funded by private donations which make it possible for us to develop this ministry at a time and in a culture where so many are isolated and hurting. It’s estimated that there are more than 14 million widowed individuals in our country alone, with 80% of them being women and approximately 285 million widows globally! Truly the harvest is plentiful, and the laborers are few.

Please pray to see if the Lord would have you partner with us in ministry to widows, making it possible for us to pursue our mission. Checks should be made out to FRESH HOPE and mailed to the following address. (Please include a note saying “For Gehrls support” or “Refocusing Widows”):

Fresh Hope
PO Box 5
Elkhorn, NE 68022

Use the form below for ONLINE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS TO FRESH HOPE. THESE DONATIONS WILL BE DESIGNATED TO REFOCUSING WIDOWS/SHERYL GEHRLS SUPPORT. You may choose from three options: a one-time donation, a recurring monthly donation, or a yearly donation. Please use the tabs below to make your selection and set up your account.



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Webinar "What I Wish My Pastor Knew About Mental Health"

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Offering Hope to the Hopeless

For every 32 cents given, we are able to offer hope for a week to one person who has a mental health challenge.

For every $16.64 given annually, we are able to offer hope for one year to one person.

Any amount you are able to give will help bring hope to those who desperately need it.

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