“Adapting to a New Season” is a 16-week curriculum created by Refocusing Widows that is designed to help widows embrace the season of life they presently face, discover their new identity and purpose, and empower them to impact the world around them. This course is faith-based and non-denominational in its approach. Through group discussions led by a Facilitator, and by doing small Focus Activities every week, widows are encouraged and challenged to walk through their grief into a new season of life where thriving replaces merely surviving. Refocusing Widows is a ministry initiative of Fresh Hope, and follows the model of peer-led, peer-support small groups.The materials are designed for women who have lost a spouse and specifically focus on those issues that they face. If you’re considering a ministry for the widows in your circles that is faith-based and specifically for women, this course is what you’ve been looking for!”