How do people recover from trauma? Can the Bible help? What can the church do?
Trauma Healing is our response to these questions. Trauma Healing Institute (THI) stewards the Healing the Wounds of Trauma program and supports global trauma healing.
Trauma is part of the human experience in the broken world.
Trauma happens when a person is overwhelmed with fear, helplessness, or horror in the face of death. This effects their psychological, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
This is the tragedy of trauma.
Trauma disrupts lives.
Trauma destroys hope.
Trauma perpetuates in cycles of violence.
Trauma isolates people from self, others, and God.

Fresh Hope is currently training facilitators to lead trauma healing groups. A group is 10 hours long and can be held over the course of 3-5 days. Currently, all Fresh Hope trauma facilitators are located in Omaha and Houston. If you are interested in conducting a group in your area, contact