It is so frustrating to me the garbage Satan can put in your head. So many times he says to me, “you haven’t been studying your bible, God is so disappointed in you”. “You haven’t prayed in so long, do you really think God will hear you now?” “You were doing so well spiritually. What happened, oh I know you always do this you can’t be consistent with anything.”,

Have you ever heard those questions or similar questions that Satan uses to beat you down?  I believe we all do, but I believe those of us who suffer from feelings of low self-esteem or low self-worth hear them a lot more and louder.  For me, it is easier to agree with what Satan says especially when I am suffering through a difficult time.

What has helped me a lot through these times is simply christian music.  I like contemporary christian music like Mercy Me, Casting Crowns, etc.  The things many christian artists sing about is life, the things we feel, and the things we fail it.  BUT in the same song, they let you know there is a God bigger than the thoughts that Satan puts in our heads.  They let us know we are loved and God never leaves our side even when we leave His.  They sing about forgiveness and Him being there with open arms when we are ready to come back.

Every time I listen to these songs, I am reminded of God’s love.  God does not belittle us or make us feel bad or put bad questioning thoughts in our heads; that’s Satan, the jerk!  Just remember the next time a negative thought goes through your head; God made you on purpose!  Don’t let Satan tell you otherwise.