The Difference Between Surviving Verses Thriving: Give Me Thriving!

There’s a difference between surviving and thriving. Coping verses really living well. In this edition Pastor Brad Hoefs talk about that difference and challenges you, the listener, to ask yourself some important questions about whether you are just surviving or truly thriving in spite of your mental health diagnosis or situation that you find yourself in in life.

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Special Video Edition of Fresh Hope for Mental Health’s Podcast from Brad Hoefs on Vimeo.

Questions at the end of the video:

  1. Are you thriving or only surviving?
  2. Are you doing more than just taking your medicine and hoping for the best?
  3. What you do or do more of that will empower to live more fully well?

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I am living a full and rich life in spite of my
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Don’t get me wrong- I still have bad days. There are still days when it is hard to get up
and get moving. But even on bad days my hope tank is full. I manage my illness and it does not define me. I am thriving.
How did I get from surviving to thriving? To me, it happened in 3 simple but powerful steps.

Are You Surviving or Thriving?

There’s a difference between surviving and thriving. Coping verses really living well. In this edition Pastor Brad Hoefs talk about that difference and challenges you, the listener, to ask yourself some important questions about whether you are just surviving or truly thriving in spite of your mental health diagnosis or situation that you find yourself in in life.



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