Insight for Living’s Reframing Ministry’s Interview with Brad Hoefs

Colleen Swindoll Thomspon serves Insight for Living Ministries as the director of the Reframing Ministries Department of Insight for Living. Colleen defines “reframing” as “essentially the transforming process of learning to love and be loved by God, and then listening, accepting, and following God in our daily lives. It’s choosing to look at life’s challenges as opportunities for change and growth, believing God has a plan and purpose greater than we can imagine. Reframing means life never leaves us stuck but gives us the choice to live differently—a process that can be painful yet also full of purpose.”

Colleen says, “Every person will encounter unexpected events. My desire is to help others navigate through the changes required to move forward with great anticipation and lasting hope . . . and to find nuggets of humor along the way. Much of what I have learned comes from raising a son with disabilities and unexpected physical and emotional pain. I love to write a weekly blog post, to speak, teach, read, interview other life ‘thrivers,’ and laugh out loud every day.”

Colleen and her husband have five children, two married and three single, and two funny dogs. They love life together and currently reside in the North Dallas area.

I was both honored and blessed to do this interview with Colleen:


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