Fresh Hope Today: Wholeness, Forgiveness and Recovery

In this edition of Fresh Hope Today, Melody shares with Pastor Brad her journey to emotional and spiritual health in spite of having a mental health diagnosis.  After attending Fresh Hope for the last four years Melody is experiencing the payoff to a lot of the hard work of mental health recovery.

Melody’s Christian faith has been key in her journey to wholeness.  Forgiving others and not holding out forgiveness toward others has been a key to her successful recovery.  

Diagnosed with bipolar disorder as well as PTSD Melody knows very well how challenging and at times overwhelming mental health recovery can be.  But, she is also receiving the benefits of not giving up and now lives with the sure and certain hope that no matter what, she knows that she has HOPE in Christ, that He will work all things out together for her good no matter what!  (Romans 8:28)

Melody is a living example of the redeeming work of the Lord in a believer’s life and road of recovery.  She lives a full and faith-filled life in spite of having a mental health diagnosis.  Today she is facilitating a Fresh Hope group in Omaha, Nebraska.

Check out this episode!

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