2017 Inspiring Hope Awards Presentation on April 6th, 2017

We apologize that when we sent this out yesterday that the link did not work for the video.  Today, we’ve embedded the video for you to watch!  We hope you do so and share it with your friends and family!

On Thursday night, April 6th, in Omaha, Nebraska we held our second annual Night of Inspiring Hope Gala.  CHI Healthcare hosted the event at their Omaha corporate headquarters.  Over 250 people were in attendance.  Sheila Walsh was our main speaker. It was a wonderful evening!

One part of the evening was the formal presentation of this year’s Inspiring Hope Awards to five Fresh Hope group members from across the United States.  It was a real inspiration to hear their stories.  The awards were given by last year’s recipients of the Inspiring Hope awards.  We’ve included the video from that night.  It was our first real attempt to stream live an event.  However, due to last minute problems with our set up for the live streaming we had to revert to using a cell phone in order to stream it.  But, we believe even though it was done on a smart phone- you can still appreciate the emotions and inspiration of the presentations.

By the way, included in this video is also author, Amy Simpson’s, receiving the Inspiring Hope award along with her brief message.  By next week we hope to have to you Sheila Walsh’s message from April 6th.

Enjoy!  And my you find great hope and inspiration in this video!  

2017 Presentation of the Inspiring Hope Awards

[vimeo 215258469 w=640 h=360]

Presentation of the 2017 National Inspiring Hope Awards Along with the Video Prior to the Awards Being Presented from Brad Hoefs on Vimeo.

By the way, feel free to share this with your friends on social media!

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