“Don’t Ever Give Up Hope,” interview with Keith O’Neil, Former NFL Player

Keith O’Neil is a former NFL football player. Keith played for the Dallas Cowboys, Indianapolis Colts, and New York Giants. During his professional career, he served as team captain and was a member of the Colts Super Bowl XLI Championship team. Keith is an international speaker and speaks to audiences in the sports, faith and mental health communities. He is also the President and Founder of the 4th and Forever Foundation which brings awareness to mental health and funds research for mental illness. Keith also recently wrote a memoir, Under My Helmet – A Football Players Lifelong Battle With Bipolar Disorder.

Keith will be our guest speaker at the Third Annual Night of Inspiring Hope, a gala fundraising event for the ministry of Fresh Hope for Mental Health on Thursday, April 19th in Omaha, Ne.  For more information and/or tickets to the event call 402-763-9255 or go to www.nightofinspiringhope.com   The progam will also be broadcast on the Facebook page of Fresh Hope for Mental Health.

Keith played in the NFL with an undiagnosed mental illness, bipolar disorder and is extremely passionate about helping others who suffer from mental health issues. He is devoted to erasing the stigma of mental illness in our society. He is utilizing his book along with motivational speaking engagements to create awareness of mental illness.
The reason Keith is going public about his experiences is that he wants to inspire those with similar challenges. He believes, “with the proper diagnosis, medical attention and determination, anyone can achieve anything. If I can make it in the high-stress environment of playing in the NFL with bipolar disorder, anything is possible!”

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Pastor Brad Hoefs, the host of Fresh Hope for Mental Health, is the founder of Fresh Hope Ministries, a network of Christian mental health support groups for those who have a diagnosis and their loved ones. In other words, Fresh Hope is a Christian mental health support group.

Brad was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1995. He is a weekly blogger for www.bphope.com (Bipolar Magazine). He is also a certified peer specialist and has been doing pastoral counseling since 1985. Brad is also the author of Fresh Hope: Living Well in Spite of a Mental Health Diagnosis, which is available on Amazon or at www.FreshHopeBook.com

If you are interested in more information about Fresh Hope, go to www.FreshHope.us or email info@FreshHope.us or call 402.932.3089.

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If you are interested in starting a Fresh Hope group within your faith community, contact info@freshhope.us

Fresh Hope for Mental Health is a production of Fresh Hope Ministries. 

Fresh Hope Ministries is a non-profit ministry.  

The copyrights of this program belong to Fresh Hope Ministries and may not be duplicated without written permission. 

All of the podcasts of Fresh Hope Today, as well as numerous other videos, are all available on our YouTube channel: Fresh Hope Network

 Fresh Hope for Mental Health is on Facebook at  www.Facebook.com/FreshHopeforMentalHealth

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